
Play Your Hearing Health Advantage

by Bridget Dobyan, HIA Director of Public Policy & Advocacy

July 13, 2023


In the spirit of Wimbledon, with the finals approaching, take a moment to put yourself in the mind of the world class tennis stars taking to the pristine grass courts. Imagine it’s advantage point in the final set of the match. One final serve standing between you and victory. Win the advantage point and you are crowned Wimbledon champion with all the pomp and circumstance only a royal highness can bestow. It’s your moment.


All Wimbledon champions fight for that “advantage” and the chance to raise the trophy in victory. Fortunately, you don’t have to be a tennis superstar to play your “advantage” – Medicare Advantage that is.


Medicare Advantage (“MA”) is a private health insurance offering available to the Medicare population (individuals 65 years of age and up and individuals with disabilities) and includes the benefits of Original Medicare (Parts A and B) and typically provides additional benefits. While Original Medicare statutorily excludes hearing coverage – beyond diagnostic and cochlear implantation for those who meet certain criteria – Medicare Advantage has long provided additional benefits that traditional Medicare cannot, including dental, vision, hearing, and wellness benefits.


In fact, approximately 94% of Medicare Advantage plans offer some type of hearing benefit.1


As you head outdoors this summer, whether to swing a tennis racket (or perhaps a pickleball paddle), take a moment to review your Medicare Advantage health plan coverage to understand what hearing health benefits may be available to you. MA benefits may include hearing exams and hearing aid coverage with varying provisions on frequency or dollar amount limitations.


Once you’ve reviewed your coverage, a great first step is to see a licensed hearing professional for a comprehensive hearing evaluation to understand your unique level of hearing loss as well as rule out any underlying medical conditions that may be causing your hearing loss – or to simply clean out earwax buildup! Your licensed hearing professional can discuss next steps and treatment options, including hearing aids, that may be a part of your health benefits.


According to a recent report, approximately 94% of Medicare Advantage enrollees are satisfied with their coverage; however, only 27% of Medicare Advantage beneficiaries report using their hearing coverage.2 It is important to take steps to address hearing loss as healthy hearing is a part of an active lifestyle and supports overall physical and emotional wellbeing (and might even give you an edge on the court).


To help you get started, you can explore the “Take 3 for Me Hearing Challenge,” a short and simple questionnaire that can help you assess whether you may have hearing difficulty and provides a link to find a licensed hearing professional. So, play your advantage, serve that ace, and emerge victorious. Be the champion of your own hearing health.


Game. Set. Match!


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